Sunday, May 27, 2012

Garage Sale Charity Project?

Hi Fellas!

Glad to know that I receive so much support -through twitter, email and comment- for the IBC project (that I'm not expect before). Because there's a moment, that I feel clogged and tired to continue the project. But then I realized that I've been run this far and I'm not gonna waste all the support that I've received. Oh ya, I have a special thanks to Vania Aprilia from Pudding Monster that give me such an enlightenment for this project. 

So yeah, I've explained my previous idea to some blogger through email and they're actually support it. But I think it kinda confusing to manage an online charity. And when I have a chat with some blogger, we decide to change the project into 'garage sale charity project'. For 'garage sale' have a clearer plan than the online charity project it self. 

And based on my discussions I had with some blogger, we agreed to hold a garage sale that the 10% of the yield will be donated to "Cinta Anak Bangsa" foundation (I'm still contact heir team for corporation). I think about to have an entertainment corner also in the garage sale (I need to discuss it further once I have a team). 

The garage sale maybe take a place in Jakarta and Surabaya. And for those who want to contribute, but out of the region that I've mentioned, you can still send your cloth with the product detail to us, so we can sell it at the garage sale as well. 

For that, I need a team who willing to fully contribute for the project. Because I know, it's not gonna be easy to make this project happen. Oh ya, I think this event will be in December or early 2013 because I know, this need an a full preparation. Further info will soon available after the team formed. 

So please kindly to send me an email at (for those who willing to contribute become the project team) with your full name, blog, and your domicile. I super need some experienced blogger here because I'm not experienced managing such an event. 

This project without YOU(yes you) is just a plan. 

 Special thanks also goes to Claireeta from Stranger Madness and Ellyzabeth Tanaya from Lisa and her world for mentioning my project in their post. Thank you so much dear. :*:*:*
♥ Also for Fahmy Haryandi, Nitya Krisnantari, Sabrina Maida, Ade Kurnianingrum, Reinhardt Kenneth, Theresia Oei, Muhamad Ersa, and Vania for the email. ;)
♥ Kak @arioachda, @luthfiafi, @arnoldteja, @clairetaaa, @EndlessWishList, @griciaeffendi, @cindytanuwijaya, @nyushebat, @fahmoy13, @shincii, @SonyaAnn90, @Audria_DeeDee, @paramitadana, @AulHowler, @Deniathly, @sartob, @echalicious, @veenation, @lisaandherworld for the awesome tweet! Love you all guys! :)


Monday, May 21, 2012

Indonesian Blogger Charity

Hi guys! How's your weekend? Mine was busy with my job as a photobook crafter and set up some project that I'm working on. 

the giveaway photobook that I'm currently working on

For you who curious about the tittle of this post, let me explain it now. But maybe it's better if you firstly read my previous post tittled "Let's be a changemaker!" below. Some ppl say the project was somehow clueless. So, now when I already have the idea fixed, I want to share  it here..

I called this project itself as "Indonesian Blogger Charity". So, my project was to make a place for blogger, to sell their stuff and donate the fund. And I've already made the blog, facebook group, and twitter account to gather more people together and discuss it further. Because the project was not fully fixed yet, I still need more suggest and input to realize this project. So please kindly to join the forum I've already made and let's join me build this project together. Beside to make a big event which require an arduous preparation, we can start it with a little project continually, right? :)

I knew that our mostly problem of blogger was "distance". When I have a chat with other blogger via twitter, we have an idea to divide the team into some regional area. So, we can coordinate it easier. 

If you have any idea or suggest, don't be hesitate to share it with us. I'd like to hear any idea from you guys. ;)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Let's be a Changemaker!

Kali ini gue bakalan pake Bahasa Indonesia biar pesennya bisa lebih 'nyampe'. FYI, ini bakalan jadi post yang SERIUS. Jadi please banget, baca baik-baik buat yang berkenan baca. :)

Short story, kemaren-kemaren gue join di situs setelah baca buku 'dream catcher' karangan Alanda Kariza. I must admit, that she's inspire me A LOT. Gue sering 'ngangguk-ngangguk' sendiri pas baca buku itu. Banyak banget cerita-cerita menarik dan sangat menginspirasi yang dia share disitu yang bikin gue akhirnya mencoba join di situs Global Change Maker. Dan diluar dugaan gue, ternyata banyak juga GCM dari Indonesia. Gue coba liat-liat projectnya dan gue tertarik sama satu project yang namanya 'Strawberry Generation? Call us Changemaker'. Jadi, Strawberry Generation itu istilah yang terkenal di Asia dalam dekade yang lalu untuk mengembalikan kembali generasi muda yang manja, yang apatis sama keadaan sosial sekitar. Gue emang sengaja memilih project di area Indonesia or at least ada senior yang dari Indonesia. Karena gue ngerasa masih 'junior' banget dalam hal ini sekalian gue mau tanya-tanya dulu cara kontribusi ke project itu.

Di project itu gue kenal Kak Disty Winata. Dia mahasiswa Indonesia yang kuliah di jurusan Health Sciences di Universitas Simon Fraser Canada. Gue message dia tanya-tanya dikit tentang GCM dan I was so surprised because she was actually so nice to me.

Sebenernya udah dari dulu gue pengen ikut kegiatan yang bersifat sosial dan membawa perubahan yang lebih baik buat bangsa ini. Gue cerita ke Kak Disty, kalo sebenernya gue punya ide buat bikin pergerakan perubahan lewat komunitas blogger. Atau, minimal bikin charity buat bantu sodara-sodara kita yang kurang mampu. 

Setau gue, belum banyak event blogger yang memuat tema perubahan buat bangsa. Kebanyakan dari mereka ngadain event gathering, atau yang fashion blogger mungkin bikin garage sale semacem itu. Yang gue pengen usulin disini, kenapa nggak kita sisipin 'nilai sosial' di event-event kita itu? Karena menurut gue, kebanyakan blogger umumnya dari kalangan menengah ke atas dan I think it was a right target. 

Buat yang bingung, gimana kita mau mengubah dunia? Gimana kita bisa kasih kontribusi buat kemajuan bangsa? Gimana kita bisa bantu sodara sebangsa kita yang kurang mampu? Come on guys, gue juga nggak tau jawaban dari itu semua. Karena itu kita bisa berkumpul, kita diskusiin bareng gimana cara buat mewujudkan itu semua.

Pernah nggak sih lo kenal orang yang dalam kesehariannya nggak pernah peduli sama kegiatan akademisnya? Yang nggak mau berusaha buat belajar tapi maunya dapet IP bagus? Atau orang yang super-selfish, yang cuma peduli sama kehidupan pribadinya aja? Kegiatannya sehari-hari pacaran, jalan-jalan, nggak mau belajar, dan apatis sama lingkungan sekitar?

C'mon guys! Kita generasi muda. Kita berpotensi besar buat mengubah bangsa ini jadi lebih baik. It's fine to living your teenage-world, but we have to convince ourself that the future of Indonesia is on our hand. Ini saatnya kita bangkit dari 'enjoy zone' kita dan ikut berkontribusi dalam perubahan bangsa. 

To be honest here, sebenernya gue ngerasa kalo membuat kebahagiaan untuk orang lain itu adalah hutang kita terhadap Tuhan. Karena actually, tujuan hidup kita adalah kebahagiaan. Dan menurut gue, dengan membahagiakan orang lain itu bakalan jadi double happiness buat diri kita sendiri.

Jadi, inti dari post ini adalah gue ngajakin kalian buat bikin event changemaker di komunitas blogger. Dari dulu sebenernya spesialisasi gue itu adalah "idea maker". Dan karena nggak mungkin juga kalo gue handle semua ini sendiri, jadi gue butuh bantuan kalian guys. It's time for us to be a changemaker demi kemajuan bangsa kita. Jadi gue open banget buat yang mau ikutan join bikin event ini terwujud. Buat lo yang tertarik gabung, atau ya mungkin sharing tentang pendapat kalian tentang masalah ini, kalian bisa email gue di

Please, bantuin buat share post ini. Let more ppl know about this project would really help.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stress Escaping

Have a quick -stress escape- with some friends last monday, watching The Avenger. It was epic AWESOME! To be honest here, it's my first time watching 3D movie and thanks god 'The Avenger' is a right choice. 

Me, with two other friends ordered the tickets. We didn't expect before that the crowd will be like 'wth?'. The queue was like dragon tail but we keep in line because our curiosity are way bigger. Short story, I watched it with 9 other friends in last schedule (at 20:45). Though I'm yawning a lot during the movie, but it was great!

I'm not gonna review it, because I'm a dummie for reviewing movie. Maybe you can click my blogger friend Leena from Junebug to found out the review. She's great at explaining movie into the detail. I'm just gonna say, that Iron Man was my favorite hero in The Avenger. He's the quirkiest heroes among all of 'the avenger', but he's the one that so 'human'. His suit is the most awesome one, and I really adore his responsibility of 'the avenger' project. The moment when he turn the nuclear to the other dimension world, it was beyond wonderful! and the second favorite is The Incredible Hulk. He's become more funny in the movie. Well, if I can copy what Leena said in her blog that HULK is 'big and funny'. 

And the most sexiest heroes goes to Black Widow, ofc. Since she's the only female-heroes there, and -ofc- since she was Scarlett Johansson. Her fighting tecnique is succeed to embrace the flabby-man and she was still pretty with all of her gangster manner. Thumbs up for all the cast and director!

Enough with The Avenger. I'm pretty happy to share 2 things that I received lately. They're finally here, my circle lens from lens village and my aquapix from dikotakita. They're such a pleasure after my stressing week. 

for those who have an instagram account, follow me at @keelimut
I'm so excited to try my first lense. I love the color too. It has kinda greenish color and the botle was sooo cute. Super thanks for Jiawa Liu from closet voyage for the giveaway. And for the aquapix one, I order the yellow model actually, but they said that it was sold out and it just left the ocean blue and some other patterned model. So I choose the blue one. 

I recommend you to check dikotakita for some interesting offering. Though this is the first time I shop at dikotakita but I'm quite satisfied with their service. All of their twitter admin, email admin, and customer service were SUPER KIND. 


♥ I'm currently in love with Owl City. His voice sounds like have some kind of 'peacefull' taste. Thanks for JoChris from Simply JoChris that recommend it for me. Now I have some new melody to refresh my boring playlist. 

 I'm gonna share you my first writing about changemaker in my upcoming post. I plan something serious and I hope you all support me for it. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blogger Appreciation Award

I got an award from my blogger fellow, Cindy Tanuwijaya from Perfectly Me. I promised her to post this after my exam over, so here it is.. Thanks for Cindy for this award. *hug and kiss* ! ^^

So what is the rules of this award?

1. Thank the person who have you the award with their blog link on your post
2. Answer the following 4 questions
3. Award the blogger appreciation award as many readers/commenter/followers as you'd like
4. Let the blogger know you've just awarded them (by leaving a comment/email/tweet/etc)


1. How long have you been blogging?

I think it's start when I'm on the 8th grade of elementary school (whoah, I can't believe it's more than 4 years?). It used to be a blog of my gank but I'm the one who keep updated it. Then I don't really remember when I start to stuck on blogspot and have this blog til now. But my first post is dated on May 2009.

2. What are 1-2 reasons why you started blogging?

The first time, it just because I love writing. Then I've found out that blogging is enlarging my knowledge, extend my english vocab, and I get so much learning on fashion, craft things, photography, and still many more. Also I meet so many new people in this blogsphere (even not in real) and found out so many inspiring people through blogger that inspire me a lot. 

3. What types of blog do you like to follow/read?

Random. I love to follow fashion blog, beauty blog, humorous blog, craft blog, even some IT blog.

4. What is 1 thing you would like to improve on as a blogger/on your blog?

I wish to have a blog that more useful for everyone, not only talk and babbling about my dialy-boring-life. I wish I can inspire a lot people through my blog. Even I sometime dream about being a full-time blogger. =)


Gita Syalala from I promise I am not Naked
Eka Theresia from Breaking the Rules
Joshua Christian from Simply Jochris
Leena from Junebug

It's finally here, my Dream Catcher from Gagas Media. I received it last Thursday. And it even signed by the author (Alanda Kariza) herself. yay! so happy. =)

Have a nice weekend everyone! =)
